Skincare for Spring


The temperatures have hit a balmy 19 degrees this week and whilst it may seem like nothing to some, here in the UK that's front page news. The warmer weather is coming, thank god, and just the thought of it has got me looking forward to the days of barely-there makeup and laid back hair.

I know as the weather starts to warm up and holidays start getting closer (more on that later) I'm going to be looking to ditch the heavier bases and instead focus on making my skin look as good as possible with as few makeup items as possible. With this in mind I've started to plan what I'm going to be doing a little differently with my skin, and beauty products in general, this spring to transition us from the never-ending winter it feels like we've had.

SPF Moisturiser: We all know that we should be wearing a good SPF every day, not only is it important for our health but is also the only way to prevent aging. Maybe it's the upcoming birthday (I’m calling it a big one even if no one else will) or I've finally grown up and started to take my skin seriously but it's time an SPF worked its way into my routine, and yours too! I currently have my eye on the Kiehl’s Ultra Facial, I loved the original so figured it was a good place to start with an SPF.


Acid Exfoliators: Back at the start of the winter I had the worst bout of eczema I've ever had so anything that wasn't hypoallergenic and super sensitive was stripped from my routine. As the months have gone on my skin has healed (heres how it happened if you're currently in the same situation) I've noticed my skin just doesn't look as radiant as it used to. My skin has never looked better than when iw as using Pixi Glow Tonic so that's next on the list of things to come back in.

Cleansing Masks: Another thing that fell out of my routine were masks, specifically any that resurfaced or detoxyfied the skin. It's a step I've really missed within my routine but more importantly my skin looks more congested than it did before so I can't help but think this is the way forward. Taking 10 minutes a few times a week to apply a mask has always been something I've loved and of all the masks I've tried nothing compares to the Aesop Parsley Seed Cleansing mask so that's at the top of my repurchase list.

What will you be incorporating into your skincare routine now that the spring is here?