How To Find Your Personal Style


Expressing yourself through fashion is fun, but discovering your personal style can give you more confidence and help you to get wear out of everything within your wardrobe.

Once you’ve worked out your personal style, getting dressed, going shopping and feeling confident in what you wear seems that bit easier. You can approach all these things with more clarity and know the direction you want to go in. It’s a great feeling and also allows you to start curating a wardrobe of things you’re likely to wear for years. If you're someone who has lusted after high end pieces for years, or just want to be able to invest in higher quality items that will last longer, then so many options open up after you work out your style. 

It’s not essential, and I do think that fashion is there to express yourself and have fun so your preferences are bound to change over time. Discovering what your personal style is makes life easier though. It’s a step closer to building that capsule wardrobe and reaching a point where you really do wear everything in your wardrobe. It also helps to cut down spending and your overall consumption while refining your style at the same time. Here are the 5 simple ways I started to discover and refine my personal style.

What Do You Feel Good In?

Whatever you wear should make you feel great. It doesn’t matter when that’s peak-comfort or heels and padded shoulders - whatever makes you feel confident needs to be a key element within your wardrobe. Your clothes are a way to express yourself and can instantly change your mood so focusing on what you do feel good in helps to build a picture of what you should be incorporating. 

Which Colours Work Best?

Pick a basic colour palette and try to stick with it. This will help you to coordinate everything in your wardrobe and give a more coherent look. It could be neutrals and monochrome, it could be bright colours. Whatever it is, working out which colours suit you the most gets you one step closer to working out your style.

What inspires you?

Spend some time scrolling through Pinterset or Intsagram (intentionally) saving the outfits that you love the most and that you’d like to emulate on an everyday basis. After a little while you’ll begin to naturally see certain trends emerge and you can use that as a starting point for your style. Maybe you already own some similar items or maybe you need to tweak some of the looks to make them work more for your lifestyle.

What Do You Need From Your Clothes?

There’s a difference between having nothing to wear and having nothing that’s appropriate to wear. Your personal style needs to be functional as well as fun, whether that’s striding into a corporate board room, running PT sessions from home or looking after young children. Alternatively maybe you split out your wardrobe, most of it being work appropriate with a smaller section for time off where you can embrace the other side of your personality.

So What If It changes?

You don’t have to get it right straight away. Take your time and accept as things change and trends come and go your personal style will change too, and that’s ok. Working out your personal style is a marathon not a sprint, start slow and focus on the things you know you like then build it from there. Sometimes you’ll get it wrong, that’s ok. It’s fun to see it evolve but if you can nail down the basics then it makes life easier. 


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